I'm a first year Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), under the supervision of Prof. Dongdong She and Prof. Shuai Wang. I have broad research interests in systems security (e.g., kernel, browser, and virtualization security), software engineering (e.g., software testing and program analysis), and emerging topics in AI and web3. Currently, my research focuses on leveraging AI techniques to address challenging problems in these domains.
I obtained my bachelor and master's degree from SJTU. I spent seven wonderful years in Shanghai, playing american football in Lions and CTF in 0ops.
Please feel free to reach out via email at someone at example dot com or someone at example dot com :)
Honors and Awards
- 2024.03 Outstanding Master Graduate Student of SJTU
- 2023.12 Qiangwang Cup 2023, Third Place, 0ops
- 2022.12 XCTF University Cybersecurity Special Challenge, First Place, 0ops
- 2022.09 First-Class Cybersecurity Academy Scholarship
- 2022.08 DEFCON CTF 2022, Second Place, Katzebin
- 2022.08 Qiangwang Cup 2022, Champion, 0ops
- 2021.12 ByteCTF, First Place, 0ops
- 2021.08 Qiangwang International Elite Challenge On Cyber Mimic Defense, First Place, 0ops
- Research Intern, Offside Labs, Web3 Security, 2024.01-2024.04
- Research Intern, Nio, RTOS Security and Fuzzing, 2022.06-2024.03
Academic Service
- Sub-Reviewer of ISSTA '24, FSE '24, Oakland'25.
Teaching Experience
- Teaching Assistant, NIS8017: Security Vulnerability Assessment (Fall 2021, SJTU)