Yuchong Xie

A photo of Yuchong Xie

I'm a first year Ph.D. student at Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), under the supervision of Prof. Dongdong She and Prof. Shuai Wang. I have broad research interests, including systems security, software engineering, and related topics in AI and web3.

I obtained my bachelor and master's degree from SJTU. I spent seven wonderful years in Shanghai, playing american football in Lions and CTF in 0ops.

I can be reached at someone at example dot com.


FOX: Coverage-guided Fuzzing as Online Stochastic Control
VD-Guard: DMA Guided Fuzzing for Hypervisor Virtual Device

Honors and Awards

  • 2024.03 Outstanding Master Graduate Student of SJTU
  • 2023.12 Qiangwang Cup 2023, Third Place, 0ops
  • 2022.12 XCTF University Cybersecurity Special Challenge, First Place, 0ops
  • 2022.09 First-Class Cybersecurity Academy Scholarship
  • 2022.08 DEFCON CTF 2022, Second Place, Katzebin
  • 2022.08 Qiangwang Cup 2022, Champion, 0ops
  • 2021.12 ByteCTF, First Place, 0ops
  • 2021.08 Qiangwang International Elite Challenge On Cyber Mimic Defense, First Place, 0ops


  • Research Intern, Offside Labs, Web3 Security, 2024.01-2024.04
  • Research Intern, Nio, RTOS Security and Fuzzing, 2022.06-2024.03

Academic Service

  • Sub-Reviewer of ISSTA '24, FSE '24.

Teaching Experience

  • Teaching Assistant, NIS8017: Security Vulnerability Assessment (Fall 2021, SJTU)